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Welcome Benchmark Families!



The PTO at Benchmark Elementary and Preschool strives to enrich and bolster the educational journey by strengthening the bond between home and school. We achieve this goal through active parental engagement and by enhancing the school environment through both volunteerism and financial backing. 


Our PTO is dedicated to cultivating a nurturing, innovative, and thriving atmosphere within Benchmark while securing funds for various school activities and improvements. We rely on the support of the Benchmark community and warmly encourage your active participation. Volunteer opportunities are readily accessible through the Benchmark Blast newsletter and our membership toolkit site under Parent Communication. We encourage every family to contribute a minimum of 10 volunteer hours annually.


Additionally, we conduct in-person and virtual monthly meetings to discuss ongoing and upcoming events, fundraising endeavors, the PTO budget, and our objectives. These meetings serve as a platform for collaborative planning and ensuring transparency in our efforts to benefit Benchmark Elementary and Preschool.


Here are a few of the ways the PTO will keep our Benchmark community updated: 

  1. Benchmark blasts: A newsletter emailed every Sunday with Benchmark news and events. Please email if you’re not getting the blasts. 
  2. Bobcat Bulletin
  3. Flyers in backpacks

Join us in making a difference! Your time and expertise contribute to a thriving school community. Please fill out the following information to let us know how you'd like to get involved.

Volunteer Interest Form


Visit SignupGenius for descriptions of events and volunteer opportunities:

2024-2025 Volunteer Opportunities


You can also easily support Benchmark by signing up online with various vendors who automatically donate a portion of the purchase price to the school with no additional cost to you which include Box Tops for Education and Fry's.  




PTO Board 2024-2025:


President: Libby Dains

Vice President: Jennifer Blum

PTO Co-Treasurers: Mary Gerten-Glasgow & Dave Ahlling

PTO Secretary: Jenn Elkins





 Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile App for convenient access to the school directory, calendar, messages, and alerts.  
Follow Benchmark PTO on Social Media